Saturday, September 27, 2008

Baby Photos

The other night I called my mom to remind her that she needed to send my son a check for the cookies she ordered for his school fundraiser. A normal conversation, right?? Well, her and my brother Ben wanted to know the sex of my baby so Ben told her to ask me how much Fetal Fotos cost. I told her I'd find out for her, but thought it silly. I only have 11 weeks left, couldn't they wait like the rest of us? Well, curiosity got the best of me and I got online right after I got off the phone with her and found the website. I emailed it to her so she could decided what to do. Well, her reply, not very much later, said "make the appointment, I want to know!!" So I called her back the next morning to find out when she would be available to come with me. After all, if she was paying for it, I wasn't going to deny her the opportunity to come along. So Friday afternoon we took my kids and went. It was the most fascinating experience ever!! We could see the baby's face and tell that it has big eyes, and very chubby cheeks. I must admit, that as soon as the nurse told us that it was in fact a girl, not a boy like I had really wanted, I was a little bit disappointed. But as soon as the ultrasound tech started showing us the 3-D pictures of the baby, I got all excited. Technology is amazing these days. So I've put a few photos for all to see of our baby Amy Colleen. (Even though Danny says it will be funny if it comes out a boy!)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I now have 2 children in school. Second grade and Kindergarten. When Porter was in kindergarten, he went for three hours and barley really did homework at night. His teacher sent home a homework calender by the month, but they were things like, name the days of the week, practice tying your shoes, say the ABC's. It was rather simple stuff. Well, most of you know that Lily was in all day preschool for 2 years. This past year the school that the kids go to, finally got an all day kindergarten class. You had to be tested into it though. Well, luckily Lily got in the all day. Well, Porter this year is now bringing home a homework planner now. He has a lot more homework then I am used to. Well, Lily also likes to do homework, even though hers is the same as Porter was in Kindergarten (she has the same teacher as Porter had). She finds the homework pretty easy and is always asking for more, while Porter struggles just to do the homework he is assigned. Total difference of personalities. Anyway, these are some pictures of me helping Lily with some of her homework the first week of school.

Friday, September 12, 2008

I'm new at this, be paitent please.

I am trying to figure this blog thing out. I am totally new at it. But in this first entry I want to share something a little spiritual. Do you ever have a nagging feeling that you need to do something? Or you can't stop thinking about someone and think that you should call them? I have had two in the past week and both times I have ignored them. Niether of them were huge, but it still bothered me that I could not follow through with my feeling. My brother had a birthday at the beginning of the week. I thought about him all day long and kept telling ymself to call him. I am very good about calling people on their birthdays and rarely forget. As it happens, this was the one time I did forget. Not a big deal right? Probably not. But I talked to my mom later this week and found out that when he got home at the end of the day, he was very sad and he expressed to his wife that no one had wished him a Happy Birthday all day!! How sad to know that I could have made his birthday a little sunnier had I followed through with my thoughts that I was having all day long. The second situation also included a birthday. I have a cousin in Arizona who I haven't seen for many years and just recently found her email and started talking to her again. Well her birthday was this week as well. I thought about her all that day as well. I didn't really have the feeling that I needed to call her, but maybe email her or something to let her know I remebered her birthday. Did I? Of course not. Well the followoing afternoon my mom called to let me know that her dad had died late the night before. How sad I was. Had I emailed her and let her know that I was thinking of her made her day just a little better maybe! The conclusion to my story is, if you ever get the feeling you should do something it's most likley the spirit telling you to, you should really follow through. Niether of this situation caused any traumatic results because I didn't follow through, but it sure would have helped, even just a little bit, brighten someon elses day!!